6th Therapy Session
Same as the 5th session below but add:
- Reverse torch using bands. Tension or band starts at overhead on the right. Pull diagonally downwards to the left. Thumbs up at start, thumbs down at the end.
- Rowing motion using bands. Pull with full range. Keep elbows and fists up.

5th Therapy Session
- Hot compress 20 mins.
- Ultrasound 5 mins.
- Sitting Position. Press/ Release. Physical Therapist (PT) press hard on teres minor/major and then release.
- Sitting Position. Slow stretching.
- Lying Position. PT pull gently on the shoulder from socket (joint mobilization)
Following are the exercises. Need to rest in between exercises.
- Stand. Using 2 lbs. dumbbell, front shoulder raises (not full range) 15 reps
Stand. Side shoulder raises (open forward when approaching shoulder height). To ear. Slowly.
- Stand. Using 4 lbs. dumbbell, bicep curls (not full range to shoulder)
- Stand. Using 4 lbs. dumbbell, tricep extensions (not full range to back)
- Stand. Stretch band. Towel in armpits. Outer, 90 degrees only. Tension starts at 45 degrees. 7 second hold. 15 reps.
- Stand. Stretch band. Towel in armpits. Inner, 90 degrees only. Tension starts at 45 degrees. 7 second hold. 15 reps.
- Torch or sword motion. Simulated activity. Stretch cord position at waist or sword's sheath. Motion is diagonal like raising a torch. Do not straighten/ lock elbows.
- V-motion. Stretch cords behind back. From shoulder level, raise arms like stretching into a V towards the front.
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